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Winter Blues

Writer's picture: Ashley QurolloAshley Qurollo

Updated: Jan 22

January 20, 2025


Down the creaky attic stairs came the Christmas storage tubs. Into the tubs went all the garlands, and light strands, and everything else grand and all that’s small and in between. It’s strange that what brought me such joy to set out brings almost the same level of satisfaction to see packed up and lugged back to the attic again.

My children helped to pack their festive things. As the glittery things went back in their off-season homes, a sparkle of a tear dropped down a cheek. “But I don’t want to put away Christmas! It makes me so sad,” whispered a child. Sitting in the rocking chair beside this young one, I wrapped her up in a loving embrace and folded her onto my lap.

“Who are we celebrating at Christmas?” I ask.


“Did you know that Jesus will not leave us throughout the year?”

“I know, but I still miss Christmas.”

“I know, sweetie,” I assure the young one.

While I cart the not-so-light Christmas tubs back up to the attic (why did I buy more decorations this year? I muse), God faithfully brings His Word to my mind:

I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. (Psalms 16:8-9)

Thank you, Lord, for being everything we need all the time and every day.


Winter sadness need not be a guest in my home when Jesus is near. My Lord drives away the winter blues, and instead He brings the stillness and peace of His presence.

I happen to like the quiet stillness of January. The clear, cloudless sky is pure azure beauty, and like the open blue sky, my mind once again feels quiet and free after all the brain fog from the holidays.

Although some (like myself) enjoy the peace and calm of January, some find the quiet too empty, too hollow, and sadness settles after all the Christmas frivolity has finally ended. Though melancholy can sneak up on us unannounced, we can take action against the blues in some simple and enjoyable ways.

Here are a few ways that I am keeping the winter blues away from my heart and home. I find this time of year suitable for quiet introspection and growth, a time to stretch my mind and heart in new ways. By investing in personal growth and engaging in creative endeavors, I am left with very little time and space for blues.


Reading Aloud and Alone

Reading aloud is nothing new in our home and is something we enjoy year-round, but there is something extra cozy about reading to my children when a chill is outside. I also love reading alone in my quiet chair beside the woodstove in the winter months.


Creative Endeavors

I’m not much of a “craft for craft’s sake alone person.” I like there to be a practical end or result for crafting, and lately I’ve been very interested in creating personal products such as body lotions and soap. (Little House Living is a great book full of homemade recipes for everything home and kitchen!) My oldest and I enjoyed making this cute soap kit from Aldi—a great way to try our hand at soapmaking to see if we like it.


Quiet Time in God’s Word

I’ve saved the very best defense against the winter blues for last: spending meaningful time in God’s Word. Like reading aloud to my children, reading God’s Word is a daily habit for me, but it takes on a comforting meaning in the sometimes dreary winter months.

My good friend and missionary, Bettina Shue, recently published her first book, Seeking God: Finding Our All in Him. This 31-day devotional is perfect for anyone who wants to grow in a personal relationship with our loving heavenly Father, and I believe this book would also be perfect for someone who may not know God yet but is seeking Him.



Friends, I hope you are encouraged. If you dread the winter months, I hope you will find solace in One Who loves you so very much and longs to bring comfort to your heart. I also hope you can engage your hands in productive creativity, a sure-fire way to bid the blues good-bye. Never hesitate to reach out to me personally if I can ever be a friend to you. Have a blessed week, and stay warm!



Personal Disclosure

As the author of Ashley Qurollo Blog, all opinions are my own. Any possible applications are universal in nature, not directed at any one individual or people group. My sincere desire is to help others by sharing what I am learning. Nothing stated on this blog is ever intended to hurt others. Ashley Qurollo, owner of Ashley Qurollo Blog and Website, is not held liable in any way for any application of the ideas and thoughts stated here.

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This is so encouraging!

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