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Writer's pictureAshley Qurollo

Teaching Children Hymns

March 4, 2024


My fingers flow across the keys as my foot pumps the golden pedal in timely rhythm. Once the musical engine is in motion and the congregation has hopped aboard, I bravely leave the visual comfort of the hymnal before me and quickly scan our small church. My eyes find my oldest child, and our eyesight locks as grins spread across our faces. “We know this song!” we both inwardly shout!

You see, earlier in the week Dr. Grandpa (the affectionate title for our interim pastor) handed me a slip of paper with hymn numbers on it, and each day in bible time, we practiced one of those hymns. My goal is for my children to recognize the hymn we practiced and even better yet, to sing the chorus. I want my children to know the hymns of the faith, so what better way than to teach them at home.

You might be thinking, “Whoa, wait a second. You are teaching your young children hymns? Isn’t that so…old-fashioned? Aren’t hymns too hard for kids? Why not just teach them the cute bible songs?” (I’m not opposed to those, by the way).

Children never cease to amaze me, and even the tiniest tot can catch a phrase and roll it around in his mind and heart. I have heard my youngest singing random snippets of our weekly hymn while rolling trucks across the living room floor or pounding wooden blocks with a plastic hammer.

I am teaching my children the hymns of the faith for several simple yet deep reasons:

First, I want my children to make a deep and lifelong connection between what we are learning at church and what we do at home. It’s so easy to fall into the mental trap of “Well, that is for church time, not at home.” By singing hymns at home that we also sing at church, I am tying a musical chord (pun intended, get it? Cord? Hehe) between home and church.

Second, I want my children to know the hymns of the faith that have shaped and guided generations of believers into living for the Lord. In my children’s darkest hours, I want God’s Words and the words of hymns to meet them in their needs. When they are sad, I want the lines from beloved songs to fill their hearts with hope. When they feel like they haven’t a friend in the world, I want them to know “What a Friend We Have in Jesus!”

How to pick hymns + Hymns I have actually taught my kids

Pick hymns with simple note patterns.

Nothing But the Blood is built upon five notes and uses a very predictable melody, perfect for kids!

Pick hymns with a chorus.

Standing on the Promises has a lively chorus that kids can act out by standing up.

Pick hymns with a simple framework/repetition.

Near to the Heart of God repeats the same phrase throughout each stanza and at the end of the chorus making it easy for kids to memorize.

Pick hymns with understandable themes.

‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus shares one of the most basic Christian concepts, learning to trust Christ. We can trust Christ for salvation, and we can trust Him for daily life!


If you have children in your life, I hope that you are encouraged to start or keep on singing with them! Do you have any favorite hymns?


Personal Disclosure

As the author of Ashley Qurollo Blog, all opinions are my own. Any possible applications are universal in nature, not directed at any one individual or people group. My sincere desire is to help others by sharing what I am learning. Nothing stated on this blog is ever intended to hurt others. Ashley Qurollo, owner of Ashley Qurollo Blog and Website, is not held liable in any way for any application of the ideas and thoughts stated here.

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Apr 09

I appreciate the deliberate thought you put into both teaching your children hymns and writing this post! Thank you for sharing.


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Thank you for such kind words, Leona!

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