April 5, 2022

The season that many call Easter is almost upon us. To some this time is for young children to scramble across fresh, green lawns looking for candy-packed eggs. Little girls don their new spring dresses, and little boys look ever so dapper in new suits. Many create beautiful hard-boiled eggs to enjoy at family feasts complete with hams, sweet potato casserole, and other spring delights.
While these activities certainly evoke many fond memories from my childhood, this time of year is the time to remember that the Lord Jesus Christ died for all mankind and rose again on the third day! All of creation breaks forth in new life, reminding us of the new life we can have in Jesus Christ.
As a church musician, I have the blessed privilege of pointing others to my Savior through the music that I select for preludes, offertories, and other specials. Typically, on Palm Sunday I try to focus on hymns that speak of the death of Jesus such as Lead Me to Calvary, He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions and At the Cross. Then on Resurrection Sunday, I choose hymns that speak of Christ’s glorious victory over death such as He Lives, Christ the Lord is Risen Today, and In the Garden.
In this short and sweet post today, I have pulled together a few of my arrangements that would be appropriate to celebrate the ultimate sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ and His triumphant victory over death! I hope you find encouragement and inspiration as you prepare to worship the Lord in song this Resurrection season.